Friday, March 13, 2009

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

If you are still watching "The Clone Wars," the most schizo show on TV. As a lifelong Star Wars fan, I was in no matter what, but it's like riding in a small boat in high seas; up, down and all around. Some weeks you're treated to glimpses of the Star Wars that could have been; episodes that have scope and depth and heart the prequels simply never found. Some weeks you're treated to more of the same blah the prequels offered up. And some weeks, like this week's penultimate episode, you get a little of both. As the last part of the recent 'Ryloth' trilogy where the Jedi and clones are liberating an entire planet ala WWII Europe, this week should have pulled out all the stops. It features great direction, lots of action - most of it cinema worthy - and EPICALLY stupid storytelling.

The bad guys are holding the capitol city, Minas Tirith - I mean, the capitol city - and Mace Windu and crew have to get it. Except the only way to get into it is over a bridge that's kind of like a force field. But they came in a space ship. And spent the entire first part of the trilogy establishing air superiority. And you have lots of ships. Because you landed in them. So... what does it matter if they have a bridge they can turn on and off? Ok. So they're guarding the city with bombers. So shoot them down. And you do - but still, that bridge. Hmm.

Friday night is the most schizo night on TV. You have Clone Wars, which is a crap shoot. Then you have Battlestar - see my post on that later - which is Battlestar, and casts a shadow over everything on TV. You have Dollhouse, also a crapshoot. And if you're up late and a geek, you probably see that BSG is followed by Stargate SG-1, the anti-BSG. And you wonder - do I look at the sci-fi glass as half full? Or half empty? Oh, wait. There's an ad on right for Seabeast. "That weren't no shark!" Yeah. Half empty.

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