Saturday, July 25, 2009

Put Some Ice On It

The 5,000 mile wide impact zone from the comet that hit Jupiter on Sunday. The resulting explosion would have completely destroyed the surface of the Earth.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Space Is The Place

On the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, turns out something decided to reach out and touch Jupiter:


Just glad we don't get smacked as often as Jupiter does. Just goes to show you, space is the place.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

POTF Quest: July

My year long quest to complete my vintage Star Wars collection with the very rare, and very expensive figures from 1985 continues. July's score: R2-D2 with pop up light saber! For $63, he's a huge steal. R2 is in amazing, having been in an attic since 1985 and out of daylight (sunlight/smoke will yellow all R2's). He is traditionally one of the more expensive figures in this run, and I expected to pay a $100 or more. I have yet to on any of these figures - in fact I have spent an average of $28 on the figures I've got so far.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Joss + Jo Chen = Online Buffy Love

A special treat for the holiday weekend: an online Buffy comic from Joss Whedon and cover wizard Jo Chen. It features probably the funniest thing in the Buffy-verse in the last year (years?) and is very much appreciated after a couple months of "meh" with the comic book. Speaking of which, the newest issue is out this week, and apparently is a return to form.

So The Same Guys That Wrote Star Trek...

This pretty much sums up my reaction to Transformers 2. I did think it was a better movie than the first one, and for around a half an hour or so, it actually told a story. But the 'twins' were insufferable and insulting, and the film makes no sense from the get go: what teenage guy is going to give up his super hot girlfriend and 2009 transforming robot Camaro to go to college?

NOBODY, that's who.